Daniel Ritz - Safety & Facility Management Specialist
For me, work-life balance means, above all, having fun at work. To really switch off after a hard or stressful day and clear my head, or to get in the mood for work in the morning, sport of any kind helps me, whether it’s a quick lap on the road bike, a mountain run or a gym workout followed by a sauna. Because of the lockdown last year, all of my sporting activities have of necessity shifted heavily outdoors and into the mountains, which is why I can usually be found there now. Whether on smaller mountains before or after work or on a bigger tour such as crossing the Alps, as I did in summer, it’s perfect for switching off and forgetting the stress of everyday life.
For me, neither the attitude of “working to live” nor “living to work” fits. You have to earn a living somehow, of course, but both extremes sound like a necessary evil. The job should be fun in any case, so that you enjoy going there. After all, you spend a lot of your time at work. This is definitely true for me, and my colleagues have also become friends, so work and free time are sometimes blurred.
My work-life balance tips? Take two or three weeks off at least once a year and do without mobile phones, laptops and emails from work so that you can switch off optimally.
Christine Schüssler - Manager Talent Acquisition
When people ask me about the activities that are particularly good to do here in the region, it’s actually difficult to decide. It would probably be easier to list what you can’t do. Whether it’s a sunrise hike up the Spitzstein in the morning before work, a stand-up paddling tour on Lake Chiemsee at sunset, or one of the numerous mountain bike trails to let off steam on the weekend, the fact that you can do most activities spontaneously and easily because of your proximity to the mountains and lakes is really something special. The possibilities are truly endless here. In summer, I like to go hiking, trail-running or stand-up paddling to get away from work. In winter, snowboarding and sledding are high on my list. I also enjoy spending time with my family and friends, no matter what time of year it is.
My goal is not to focus my life entirely on work. There is so much more that I want to give time and attention to as well, from family to friends to my own self. I do my job with a lot of commitment and passion, of course, but there is also a life beyond work. For me, work-life balance means the compatibility of career and family. However, this can only be achieved with the right framework. From flexible working hours to part-time work to the mobile office, I’ve found that framework here at MARC O’POLO.
My advice for a better work-life balance? I once got the following tip from a friend: “If you don't enjoy, you become unenjoyable!” In this sense, one should consciously take short time-outs and enjoy the small moments in life. Do what feels good and cut out what doesn’t make you happy. Yes, simply enjoy life!
Markus Kempf - Senior Corporate Controller
As a classic “desk worker”, it’s mainly my head that gets challenged at work. The perfect physical balance for me comes through sport. In particular, endurance sports such as swimming, cycling and running – or all together, as in a triathlon – help me to switch off.
In my opinion, you should keep both perspectives – work and leisure – in balance. No matter what you do, your work should always be in line with your vision of life and your personal goals. For me, this also means enjoying my job. On the other hand, you must not neglect your personal obligations. And if I do have to go a few extra miles at work, I try to communicate that to those around me.
For me, work-life balance means that you should be careful to go through cycles of workload and unload. Applied to sport, which is often used as an analogy in professional life, this would mean that intensive training phases or competitions should be followed by a regeneration phase. In my job, I try to do the same and to keep an eye on my own resources.
My work-life balance tips? It’s simple: You should do exactly what you feel like doing in your free time; plan for it, and look forward to it. Personally, I like to give my days structure and to stand by my own needs.